Getting Closer

Move in day is rapidly approaching. The living room has been painted: The bathroom has been painted: The painter is almost done with the kitchen cabinets: And we have been working on putting together the furniture: Including a little something…

Today We Got The Keys!

We officially got the keys to our house today. Danny had been holding on to them until our rental period officially began, even though the contractors have been working on it for almost a week now. I have more progress…

Progress: Part Two

Just before we went over to the new house yesterday, my blackout window insert from Indow arrived. I will dedicate a separate post to reviewing the window insert and explaining why I got it in the first place. However, I’ve…

Progress: Part One

This week has been a busy week. On Sunday, we went by to see my cousin Delores and picked up her cat Myrtle, which she was not able to take with her. Myrtle is now known as Alice Rose. Obviously…

Counting Down the Days

paint cans

We are currently counting down the days until we get our keys. Only 21 days to go! However, after we get the keys, it will likely be at least another week before we can move in. Here is a list…

Waiting is the hardest part

We were previously in the process of purchasing a house, but we had to back out at the last minute because once we bought the house, the cost of renovations ($50K+) would far exceed the value of the house. But…

In the beginning…

Leopard Print Stock photos by Vecteezy

Everything has a beginning, and so does this blog. We are first time home buyers in the process of purchasing a 1950s home. Once we have the keys in hand, I will share some before photos of the house. Stay…